Our Wedding

Our wedding was definitely not a cookie cutter type wedding... it was perfect for us though. There were stuffed beasts, a huge fireplace, a toilet that didn't work, incredible BBQ, a view that would knock your socks off and a group of friends that loved incredibly well. We were so blessed to share this with them and now with you.

Part of the lodge were windows that looked down over the Royal Gorge. If you look closely you can see the bridge in the picture. It was an amazing couple of days there, especially early that next morning when the moon was still out (this was after the insane snow storm stopped) and its light reflected off the snow and gave out a bit of a purple/blue hue, the fog had rolled into the gorge and created the most amazing scene I had ever experienced. It was like we had walked into a movie. Gabe tried to take pictures of it but it just couldn't be captured.
Most people know that when it comes to myself, I am a bit of a cheapskate. Now, at a wedding, flowers are the norm and it's a bit off when people don't have them around. When I was younger I would dream of incredible flowers at my wedding that would rival Christian Slater's lame attempt at romance in Bed of Roses.
My younger sister, who married earlier in November, had incredible flowers and her wedding and I was MORE than happy to help her spend her money on some fabulous centerpieces, bouquets and all that other stuff...
However, when I walked into our local King Soopers (don't knock them, they are awesome floral designers) and started picking out what I wanted, I kept seeing dollar signs flash before my eyes. I looked at the list of necessary items and in a weird acceptance, my youthful dream of that floral wedding dried up and was put away. Adios, bridal bouquet...adieu, floral centerpieces... This day of days was a new one in my chapter of life and was totally unique. A perfect example of how God's plans are different than what we expect or imagine....

and how they show that God knows us inimately, deeply, truly and honestly. He knows what we need...and what will show His work in our lives.
What an incredible blessing!
PS... seriously, the BBQ was fabulous. The chef at the Royal Gorge smoked the meats for a whole day and created his own special sauce. I was in hog heaven..literally.